Weimin Han

Collegiate Fellow

Weimin Han works on interdisciplinary applied mathematics for applications in solid mechanics and fluid mechanics, with an emphasis on numerical analysis.  His recent research effort is on nonsmooth problems in the form of variational inequalities and hemivariational inequalities, which can describe contact phenomena (e.g., tires with road surface, braking systems, metal forming), plastic deformation of solids (e.g., steel, sand, clay, rocks), and fluid flows with slip or leak boundary conditions (e.g., blood flow in a vein of an arterial sclerosis patient, oil flow over or beneath sand layers). He has done pioneering work on the mathematical analysis and numerical solution of variational and hemivariational inequalities.  

Prof. Han is a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society.  He was named by Research.com as a Best Mathematical Scientist, and  by ScholarGPS as a Highly Ranked Scholar in the Specialty of Numerical Analysis in recognition of his exceptional productivity, noteworthy impact and quality of scholarly work in the top 0.05% of scholars in the Specialty worldwide.

Research interests

  • Numerical analysis
  • Computational mechanics
  • Numerical solution of variational inequalities
  • Numerical solution of hemivariational inequalities
Research areas
  • Computational Mathematics
Weimin Han
PhD, University of Maryland
Contact Information

University of Iowa
25D MacLean Hall (MLH)
2 W. Washington Street
Iowa City, IA 52240
United States