Rodica Curtu, University of Iowa
Fall 2024
MATH:1850:0BBB Calculus I
MATH:1850:0DDD Calculus I
(Textbook: J. Stewart, D. Clegg and S. Watson, Single Variable Calculus, Early Transcendentals, 9th Edition, Cengage Learning; chapters 1-6)
Spring 2024
MATH:2550:0091 Engineering Math III: Matrix Algebra
(Textbook: L. Lay and McDonald, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 6th Edition with MyLab; chapters 1-3, 5-7)
MATH:6610 Ordinary Differential Equations II
(Textbooks: John Hunter - Asymptotic analysis and singular perturbation theory, 2004; pdf online ;
Y. Kuznetsov - Elements of applied bifurcation theory, Springer, 2004
J. Carr - Applications of Centre Manifold Theory, Springer, 1981)
Fall 2023
MATH:5600 Nonlinear Dynamics with Numerical Methods
(Textbook: James D. Meiss - Differential Dynamical Systems, SIAM, Revised Ed., 2017;
Hirch, Smale and Devaney - Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems and An Introduction to Chaos, Elsevier, 2nd Ed., 2004)
MATH:6600 Ordinary Differential Equations I
(Textbooks: Y. Kuznetsov - Elements of applied bifurcation theory, Springer, 2004;
Jack Carr - Applications of Centre Manifold Theory, Springer, 1981)
Spring 2023
MATH:2550:0091 Engineering Math III: Matrix Algebra
MATH:2550:0331 Engineering Math III: Matrix Algebra
(Textbook: L. Lay and McDonald, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 6th Edition with MyLab; chapters 1-3, 5-7)
Fall 2022
MATH:1850:0DDD Calculus I
MATH:1850:0MMM Calculus I
(Textbook: J. Stewart, D. Clegg and S. Watson, Single Variable Calculus, Early Transcendentals, 9th Edition, Cengage Learning; chapters 1-6)
Spring 2022
MATH:6610 Ordinary Differential Equations II
(Textbooks: John Hunter - Asymptotic analysis and singular perturbation theory, 2004; pdf online ;
Y. Kuznetsov - Elements of applied bifurcation theory, Springer, 2004)
Fall 2021
MATH:5750:0AAA Mathematical Biology I (Module 3: Neuronal Networks)
(Textbook/selected sections from: B. Ermentrout and D. Terman, Mathematical Foundations of Neuroscience, Springer 2010)
MATH:5900:0001 First-Year Graduate Seminar
MATH:6600 Ordinary Differential Equations I
(Textbooks: Y. Kuznetsov - Elements of applied bifurcation theory, Springer, 2004;
Jack Carr - Applications of Centre Manifold Theory, Springer, 1981)
Spring 2021
MATH:3600:0002 Introduction to Differential Equations
(Textbook: Boyce and DiPrima. Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems. 11-th Edition; chapters 1-7, 9)
MATH:5760 Mathematical Biology II (Module 4: Pattern Formation in Biological Systems)
(Textbook/selected sections from: J.D. Murray, Mathematical Biology I: An Introduction, 3-rd ed, vol 17, Springer 2002 & J.D. Murray, Mathematical Biology II: Special Models and Biomedical Applications, 3-rd ed, vol 18, Springer 2003)
Fall 2020
No teaching (sabbatical)
Spring 2020
Online course: MATH:1020 (Elementary Functions)
Fall 2019
MATH:3600:0001 Introduction to Differential Equations
MATH:3600:0002 Introduction to Differential Equations
(Textbook: Boyce and DiPrima. Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems. 11-th Edition; chapters 1-7, 9)
Spring 2019
Online course: MATH:1020 (Elementary Functions)
Fall 2018
MATH:2560:0121 Engineering Math IV: Differential Equations
MATH:2560:0132 Engineering Math IV: Differential Equations
(Textbook: Boyce and DiPrima. Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems. 11-th Edition; chapters 1-4, 6-7, 9)
Online course: MATH:1020 (Elementary Functions)
Spring 2018
MATH:1460:000A Calculus for the Biological Sciences
MATH:1460:000B Calculus for the Biological Sciences
(Textbook: R. Greenwell, N. Ritchey & M. Lial – Calculus for the Life Sciences 2015, Second Edition, Pearson Education, Inc.; chapters 1-8, and 11-13)
Online course: MATH:1020 (Elementary Functions)
Fall 2017
MATH:1460:000A Calculus for the Biological Sciences
MATH:1460:000B Calculus for the Biological Sciences
(Textbook: R. Greenwell, N. Ritchey & M. Lial – Calculus for the Life Sciences 2015, Second Edition, Pearson Education, Inc.; chapters 1-8, and 11-13)
Online course: MATH:1020 (Elementary Functions)
Summer 2017
Online courses: MATH:0100 (Basic Algebra I); MATH:1020 (Elementary Functions)
Spring 2017
MATH:1460:000A Calculus for the Biological Sciences
MATH:1460:000B Calculus for the Biological Sciences
(Textbook: R. Greenwell, N. Ritchey & M. Lial – Calculus for the Life Sciences 2015, Second Edition, Pearson Education, Inc.; chapters 1-8, and 11-13)
Online courses: MATH:0100 (Basic Algebra I); MATH:0300 (Basic Geometry); MATH:1020 (Elementary Functions)
Fall 2016
MATH:5600 Nonlinear Dynamics with Numerical Methods
(Textbook: James D. Meiss - Differential Dynamical Systems, SIAM, 2nd Ed.)
MATH:1000 First Year Seminar
Online courses: MATH:0100 (Basic Algebra I); MATH:0300 (Basic Geometry); MATH:1020 (Elementary Functions)
Summer 2016
Online courses: MATH:0100 (Basic Algebra I); MATH:1020 (Elementary Functions)
Spring 2016
MATH:6610 Ordinary Differential Equations II
MATH:3900 Introduction to Mathematics Research
Online courses: MATH:0100 (Basic Algebra I); MATH:1020 (Elementary Functions)
Fall 2015
MATH:6600 Ordinary Differential Equations I
(Textbooks: John Hunter - Asymptotic analysis and singular perturbation theory, 2004; pdf online ;
Y. Kuznetsov - Elements of applied bifurcation theory, Springer, 2004;
Jack Carr - Applications of Centre Manifold Theory, Springer, 1981)
MATH:5600 Nonlinear Dynamics with Numerical Methods
(Textbook: James D. Meiss - Differential Dynamical Systems, SIAM ,2007)
MATH:1000 First Year Seminar
Online courses: MATH:0100 (Basic Algebra I); MATH:0300 (Basic Geometry); MATH:1020 (Elementary Functions)
Summer 2015
MATH:2550 Engineering Math III: Matrix Algebra
(Textbook: David C Lay - Linear Algebra and its applications, 4-th edition -- chapters 1-6)
Spring 2015
MATH:1460:000A Calculus for the Biological Sciences
MATH:1460:000B Calculus for the Biological Sciences
(Textbook: Marvin L. Bittinger, Neal Brand & John Quitanilla - Calculus for the life sciences 2006, Pearson - Addison Wesley -- chapters 2-5, 8, 10)
MATH:1340 Mathematics for Business
(Textbook: Cynthia Young - Precalculus with limits, 2-nd edition, John Wiley and sons, 2014 -- chapters 0-3, 8, 10, 11)
MATH:7670 Seminar Mathematical Biology
Fall 2014
MATH:5600:0AAA (22M:142:AAA) Nonlinear Dynamics with Numerical Methods
(Textbook: James D. Meiss - Differential Dynamical Systems, SIAM 2007, ISBN 978-0-898716-35-1 -- chapters 1-6 and selection of topics from chapters 7, 8, 9)
MATH:7990:0042 (22M:399:042) Reading Research (Mathematics)
MATH:7670:0001 (22M:394:001) Seminar Mathematical Biology
Fall 2013 - Spring 2014
No teaching (sabbatical year)
Spring 2013
22M:016:00A Calculus for the Biological Sciences
22M:016:00B Calculus for the Biological Sciences
(Textbook: Marvin L. Bittinger, Neal Brand & John Quitanilla - Calculus for the life sciences 2006, Pearson - Addison Wesley -- chapters 2-5, 8, 10)
22A: 399:061 Reading and Research (AMCS)
22M:394:001 Seminar Mathematical Biology
Fall 2012
22M:360 Topics in Mathematical Biology
1) Izhikevich, Eugene M. - Dynamical systems in neuroscience : the geometry of excitability and bursting; Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2007.
2) O'Reilly, Randall & Munakata, Yuko - Computational explorations in cognitive neuroscience : understanding the mind by simulating the brain;
Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, 2000.
3) Ermentrout, G. Bard & Terman, David - Mathematical Foundations of Neuroscience; New York, NY : Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2010.
22M:394:001 Seminar Mathematical Biology
Summer 2012
22A: 399:061 Reading and Research (AMCS)
22M:399:042 Reading Research (Mathematics)
Spring 2012
22M:214 Ordinary Differential Equations II
1) J. Meiss - Differential dynamical systems ; SIAM 2007
2) Y. Kuznetsov - Elements of applied bifurcation theory, Springer 1998)
22M:015:AAA Mathematics for the Biological Sciences
(Textbook Customized for the University of Iowa). Taken from:
1) J.Douglas Faires & James DeFranza - Precalculus 5-th edition 2007 (chapters 1, 2, 4, 5) ;
2) Soo T.Tan - Finite Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences 10-th edition, 2009 (chapters 2, 6, 7) )
22A: 399:061 Reading and Research (AMCS)
22M:399:042 Reading Research (Mathematics)
22M:394:001 Seminar Mathematical Biology
Fall 2011
22M:213 Ordinary Differential Equations I
(Textbooks: 1) I.M. Gelfand, S.V. Fomin - Calculus of variations, Dover, 2000;
2) P. Hartman - Ordinary Differential Equations, 2-nd Ed., SIAM 2002)
22A: 399:061 Reading and Research (AMCS)
22M:399:042 Reading Research (Mathematics)
22M:394:001 Seminar Mathematical Biology
Summer 2011
22A: 399:061 Reading and Research (AMCS)
Spring 2011
22M:015:AAA Mathematics for the Biological Sciences
(Textbook: Precalculus. Graphs and Models (Customized for the University of Iowa). Taken from:
1) M.L. Bittinger, J.A., Beecher, D.J. Ellenbogen, J.A. Penna - Precalculus: Graphs and Models, 3-rd Edition, 2006;
2) P.Long, J. Graening - Finite Mathematics: An Applied Approach, 2nd Edition, 1997)
22A: 399:061 Reading and Research (AMCS)
22M:399:042 Reading Research (Mathematics)
22M:394:001 Seminar Mathematical Biology
Fall 2010
22A: 399:061 Reading and Research (AMCS)
22M:399:042 Reading Research (Mathematics)
22M:394:001 Seminar Mathematical Biology
Summer 2010
22A: 399:061 Reading and Research (AMCS)
22M:399:042 Reading Research (Mathematics)
Spring 2010
22M:034:091 Engineer Math IV- Differential Equations
22M:034:102 Engineer Math IV- Differential Equations
(Textbook: W.E. Boyce and R.C. DiPrima - Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 9th ed., Wiley & Sons, 2009 )
22M:394:001 Seminar Mathematical Biology
22M:399:042 Reading Research (Mathematics)
Fall 2009
22M:142 Nonlinear Dynamics with Numerical Methods
(Textbook: Jack Hale and Huseyin Kocak - Dynamics and bifurcations, Springer-Verlag 1991)
22M:026:DDD Calculus II
(Textbook: James Stewart - Singular Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Thomson Brooks, 2008)
22M:394:001 Seminar Mathematical Biology
22M:397:001 Seminar Partial Differential Equations
22M:199:042 Readings in Mathematics
Summer 2009
22M:399:042 Reading Research (Mathematics)
Spring 2009
22M:217 Partial Differential Equations II
(Textbook: Lawrence C. Evans - Partial Differential Equations, AMS 2002)
22M:394:001 Seminar Mathematical Biology
Fall 2008
22M:216 Partial Differential Equations I
(Textbook: Lawrence C. Evans - Partial Differential Equations, AMS 2002)
22M:026:AAA Calculus II - Honors Class
(Textbook: James Stewart - Singular Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Thomson Brooks, 2008)
22M:394:001 Seminar Mathematical Biology
Spring 2008
22M:100 Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations
(Textbook: George F. Simmons - Differential Equations with Applications and Historical Notes, 2nd. ed, McGraw-Hill, 1991)
Fall 2007
22M:034:081 Engineer Math IV- Differential Equations
22M:034:101 Engineer Math IV- Differential Equations
(Textbook: W.E. Boyce and R.C. DiPrima - Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, 8th ed., Wiley & Sons, 2005 )
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