GAUSS Seminar

Adriana Fernandez I Quero
An Expository on Von Neumann Algebras


 We will have cookies! 


A von Neumann algebra or W*-algebra is an important and special kind of operator algebra, relevant in measure theory. In this talk we will give a brief introduction on von Neumann algebras. We will see the different topologies that constitute such algebra as well as the algebraic properties that are satisfied in this object. We will see some examples, including the Group von Neumann algebra and we will talk about why the object is interesting and why it is a subject of much of the current research in this area.

Event Date: 
September 14, 2022 - 4:30pm to 5:20pm
MLH 218 or Online (see URL)
Manny Albrizzio & Garrett Mason
Calendar Category: 
Seminar Category: