Math Bio Seminar - Dr. Ethan Rooke; University of Iowa

  • Title:  Detecting Neurological Signatures of Autism in fMRI with Mapper 
  • Abstract:  Autism has well-documented behavioral and genetic signatures, yet no clear neuroimaging signature has been identified. Among the challenges of such a search are the great complexity of the brain (high dimensional data), the prohibitive cost of neuroimaging (small data sets), practical limitations of measuring brain activity (noise), and great diversity of both brains and behavioral profiles across individuals (more noise). This talk presents an exploratory application of the topological data analysis algorithm Mapper to brain activity. Brain activations were measured via functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) as participants (some diagnosed with autism, and some neurotypical) viewed emotionally evocative stimuli. No background on fMRI data nor Mapper is assumed.
Monday, March 3, 2025 3:30pm
MacLean Hall
2 West Washington Street, Iowa City, IA 52240
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