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Math Graduate Board

The Math Graduate Board exists to provide a forum for departmental discourse, to organize departmental events, and to generally enrich the graduate mathematics experience at the University of Iowa.
It is an official university student organization established and led by math graduate students. The board sponsors several social events, including the semiannual mathematics picnic. Members also organize the Graduate and Undergraduate Student Seminar (GAUSS) and publish the Iowa-Sum Times, a monthly newsletter.
For more information, including an introduction, activities calendar, blog, meeting information, officer contact info, and a link to the newsletter, visit the website.
Directed Reading Program
The Directed Reading Program facilitates undergraduate math students work with graduate math students on an independent study project.
Among other goals, this program seeks to involve undergraduates in the larger mathematical community, foster independent learning strategies, and develop mathematical communication skills.
Career resources for UI graduate students
The Graduate College offers robust professional development services, including career guidance, national grants and fellowships support, and Iowa's Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL).
For more information on graduate student professional development services, visit the Grad Success Center.