Portrait of Kendall Atkinson

Kendall Atkinson

Professor Emeritus
Kendall Atkinson is a professor emeritus with the University of Iowa Mathematics Department.
Richard Baker

Richard Baker

Associate Professor Emeritus
Richard Baker is an associate professor emeritus at the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Nguyen Cac

Nguyen Cac

Professor Emeritus
Nguyen Cac is a professor emeritus with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Charles Frohman

Charles Frohman

Professor Emeritus
Charles Frohman is a professor emeritus with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Kent Fuller

Kent Fuller

Professor Emeritus
Kent Fuller is a professor emeritus with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Juan Gatica

Juan Gatica

Professor Emeritus
Juan Gatica is a professor emeritus with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Frederick Goodman

Frederick Goodman

Professor Emeritus
Frederick Goodman is a professor emeritus with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Herbert Hethcote

Herbert Hethcote

Professor Emeritus
Herbert Hethcote is a professor emeritus with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics
A portrait of Norman Johnson

Norman Johnson

Professor Emeritus
Norman Johnson is a professor emeritus in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of William Klink

William H. Klink

William H. Klink is a professor emeritus with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of Philip Kutzko

Philip Kutzko

Professor Emeritus
Philip Kutzko is a professor emeritus with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of Eugene Madison

Eugene Madison

Professor Emeritus
Eugene Madison is a professor emeritus with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Paul Muhly

Paul Muhly

Professor Emeritus
Paul Muhly is a professor emeritus with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of Marge Murray

Margaret (Marge) Murray

Associate Professor of Instruction Emerita
Margaret Murray is an associate professor of instruction emerita with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of George Nelson

George Nelson

Professor Emeritus
George Nelson is a professor emeritus with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of Richard Randell

Richard Randell

Professor Emeritus
Richard Randell is a professor emeritus with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of Dennis Roseman

Dennis Roseman

Professor Emeritus
Dennis Roseman is a professor emeritus with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of Harold Schoen

Harold Schoen

Professor Emeritus
Harold Schoen is a professor emeritus with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Walter Seaman

Walter Seaman

Associate Professor Emeritus
Walter Seaman is a professor emeritus with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Jonathan Simon

Jonathan Simon

Professor Emeritus
Jonathan Simon is a professor emeritus with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Gerhard Strohmer

Gerhard Strohmer

Professor Emeritus
Gerhard Strohmer is a professor emeritus with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Keith Stroyan

Keith Stroyan

Professor Emeritus
Keith Stroyan is a professor emeritus with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of Ying-Qing Wu

Ying-Qing Wu

Professor Emeritus
Ying-Qing Wu is a professor emeritus with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.