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Center your studies around traditional mathematics
This is the traditional and most general degree path for students receiving a BA or BS in Mathematics. This program is very flexible; it is designed to prepare students for a variety of career paths after graduation. One student might take electives specifically preparing for graduate work in math, while another might take courses emphasizing tools for applications, including computer science (CS), statistics (STAT), or actuarial sciences (ACTS) electives.
This program requires 7 core courses plus electives within the mathematical sciences. Students must also satisfy additional requirements set forth by the Department of Mathematics and College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Requirements for traditional mathematics
In addition to meeting the requirements for the BA or BS in Mathematics degree, there are core courses and electives in the program for traditional mathematics.
Program requirements (since fall 2023)
Core courses
The following courses are required of all traditional mathematics program students.
- Calculus I and Calculus II, 8 semester hours
- Note: Either of the sequences MATH:1550-1560 (22M:031-032, 8 semester hours) or MATH:1850-1860 (22M:025-026, 8 semester hours) is acceptable.
- These sequences are distinct enough that the Department of Mathematics does not encourage students to mixed them up unless there is a strong need and good preparation.
- Advanced placement credit, CLEP credit, and credit obtained through the Mathematics Incentive Program are accepted for all or part of this calculus requirement.
- MATH:2700 Introduction to Linear Algebra, 4 semester hours
- MATH:2850 Calculus III, 4 semester hours
- MATH:3600 Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations, 3 semester hours
- MATH:3720 Introduction to Abstract Algebra I, 4 semester hours
- MATH:3770 Fundamental Properties of Spaces and Functions I, 4 semester hours
More advanced courses may be substituted for core math courses if approved by the Director of Undergraduate Studies in advance.
For a BA degree, students must take:
- At least 4 elective courses (each 3-4 semester hours) from the following list of mathematics, computer science, and statistics and actuarial science (MCS) courses
- Of these 4 MCS courses, at least 2 must be courses with a MATH prefix.
- Of these 2 MATH-prefixed courses, at least one course must be an upper-level math course.
For a BS degree, students must take:
- At least 6 elective courses (each 3-4 semester hours) from the following list of MCS courses.
- Of these 6 MCS courses, at least 4 must be courses with a MATH prefix.
- Of these 4 MATH courses, at least 3 courses must be upper-level math courses.
Mathematics (MATH) courses
- MATH:2150 or any MATH course numbered 3800 or higher, except MATH:4010 and MATH:4020
Upper-level math courses
- MATH:3900 and MATH courses numbered 4000 or higher, except MATH:4010, 4020, and 4120
- No courses from other departments can be counted as upper-level mathematics courses unless they are cross-listed with an upper-level mathematics course (prefix MATH).
- The schedule of course offerings indicates which courses are upper-level math courses and which semesters they are offered to help with academic planning.
Computer science (CS) courses
- Any computer science courses numbered CS:1210 through CS:4740, excluding CS:3210 Programming Languages and Tools, CS:3910 Informatics Project, CS:3980 Topics in Computer Science I, and CS:3990 Honors in Computer Science or Informatics
- List of CS courses:
- CS:1210, 2110, 2210, 2230, 2420, 2520, 2620, 2630, 2820, 3330, 3620, 3640, 3820, 4330, 4340, 4350, 4640
- Advanced electives between 3620-4990, except 3910, 3980, 3990, and 4980
Statistics (STAT) and actuarial science (ACTS) courses
- Statistics courses numbered STAT:2020 Probability and Statistics for the Engineering and Physical Sciences, STAT:3100 through STAT:4740, STAT:5100 through STAT:5120, excluding STAT:3510 Biostatistics, STAT:4143 Introduction to Statistical Methods, and STAT:4200 Statistical Methods and Computing
- Among the courses previously listed, at most one of the following three courses, STAT:2020, STAT:3100, or STAT:3120 can be counted. None of these courses can be counted if taken after STAT:4100.
- Actuarial science courses numbered ACTS:3080 Mathematics of Finance I and ACTS:4130 through ACTS:4380
- List of STAT and ACTS courses:
- STAT:2020 or STAT:3100 or STAT:3120
- STAT:3101, 3200, 3210, 3620, 4100, 4101, 4510, 4520, 4740, 5100, 5101, 5120
- ACTS:3080, 3085, 4130, 4180, 4230, 4280, 4380
Former program requirements (for majors declared in summer 2023 or earlier)
Core courses
The following courses are required of all traditional mathematics program students.
- Calculus I and Calculus II, 8 semester hours
- Note: Either of the sequences MATH:1550-1560 (22M:031-032, 8 semester hours) or MATH:1850-1860 (22M:025-026, 8 semester hours) is acceptable.
- These sequences are distinct enough that the Department of Mathematics does not encourage students to switch from one version of Calculus I to a different version of Calculus II unless there is a strong need and good preparation.
- Advanced placement credit, CLEP credit, and credit obtained through the Mathematics Incentive Program are accepted for all or part of this calculus requirement.
- MATH:2700 (22M:027), Introduction to Linear Algebra, 4 semester hours
- MATH:2850 (22M:028), Calculus III, 4 semester hours
- MATH:3600 (22M:100), Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations, 3 semester hours
- MATH:3720 (22M:050), Introduction to Abstract Algebra I, 4 semester hours
- MATH:3770 (22M:055), Fundamental Properties of Spaces and Functions I, 4 semester hours
More advanced courses may be substituted for core math courses if approved by the Director of Undergraduate Studies in advance.
For the BA degree, students must take at least four elective courses (each 3-4 semester hours) from the following lists of mathematics, computer science, statistics and actuarial science courses, including at least one upper-level mathematics course.
For the BS degree, students must take at least six elective courses from the lists, including at least three that are upper-level mathematics courses.
Mathematics (MATH) courses
- MATH:2150 (22M:070) or any MATH course numbered 3800 or higher except MATH:4010 and MATH:4020.
- In the 3-digit numbering system, these courses are equivalent to those numbered 22M:070 or higher except 22M:081, 22M:095, 22M:104, 22M:105, 22M:109, and 22M:110.
Upper-level math courses
- MATH:3900 and MATH courses numbered 4000 or higher except MATH:4010, 4020, and 4120.
- In the 3-digit numbering system, upper-level math courses are 22M:096 and any 22M course numbered 113 or higher except 22M:196-199.
- The schedule of course offerings indicates which courses are upper-level courses and which semesters they are offered to help with academic planning.
Computer science (CS) courses
Any CS course numbered 1210 or higher that count toward an undergraduate major in computer science, excluding independent study, reading, topics, seminar, project courses, unless approved by the Department of Mathematics in advance.
- CS:1210, 2110, 2210, 2230, 2420, 2520, 2620, 2630, 2820, 3330, 3620, 3640, 3820, 4330, 4340, 4350, 4640
- Advanced electives between 3620-4990 except 3910, 3980, 3990, and 4980
- In the 3-digit numbering system, these courses are 22C:16, 19, 21, 22, 31, 60, 80, 82, 84, 86, 111, 112, 118, 131, 135, 169, 188, and advanced electives.
Statistics (STAT) and actuarial science (ACTS) courses
Statistics and actuarial ccience courses that count toward an undergraduate major in statistics or actuarial science, excluding independent study, reading, topics, seminar, project, exam preparation courses, unless approved by the Department of Mathematics in advance.
- STAT:2020 (22S:039) or STAT:3100 (22S:120) or STAT:3120 (22S:130)-see note.
- STAT:3101, 3200, 3210, 3620, 4100, 4101, 4510, 4520, 4740, 5100, 5101, 5120
- ACTS:3080, 3085, 4130, 4180, 4230, 4280, 4380
- In the 3-digit numbering system, these courses correspond to 22S:131, 133, 138, 150, 152, 153, 154, 158, 169, 174, 175, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 190, 193, 194
The Department of Mathematics is in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and therefore, students majoring in mathematics must also satisfy the college's graduation requirements. You will also need to choose whether or not to pursue a BA or BS degree and meet the requirements defined for those degrees.