Departmental policies for undergraduate math courses

Mathematics placement policy

The Department of Mathematics requires students enrolled in introductory courses (up through Calculus II) to place into the course by taking a math placement test or by taking a prerequisite course.

Learn more about placement

Add/drop policy and procedures

Dropping a course

During the first week of the semester, students may drop a course online through MyUI. During the second week of the semester, students will need to complete a change of registration form and obtain signatures from their instructor (either lecturer or discussion section leader) and their advisor.

Adding a course

During the fist week of the semester, students may add any section of a course with seats available online through MyUI. To add a section of a course with no seats remaining, you will need to get the section instructor's permission to add the section and complete a change of registration form.

During the second week of classes, students will need to complete a change of registration form and obtain the signatures of the instructor and their advisor to add a course.

Important note before adding a MATH course

Students who are completing an add form to add any MATH course numbered 0100 to 1860 except MATH:1560 (22M:001-031 except 22M:027 and 22M:028) must also contact Amanda Marr to verify that the enrollment requirements for the course have been met before obtaining the instructor's signature on the add form. Students may visit Amanda Marr in 125 MacLean Hall (inside the Math Tutorial Lab) or send an email to including their university ID number and the course and section number to be added.

Cross-listed courses and out of college courses policy

The following policy applies to undergraduate or professional students who take courses, when permitted, outside their own college or academic credential program. The policy covers majors, minors, and certificates. It applies to both cross-enrollment (in which students are enrolled directly in courses outside their own colleges) and to enrollment in cross-listed courses which carry course numbers from two or more different colleges. Graduate students are governed by the policies of the Graduate College no matter what college offers the courses in which they are enrolled.

When colleges that allow cross-enrollment or sponsor cross-listed courses differ in their academic practices, the following distinction will govern whether the practices of the college that provides the administrative home for the course will be followed or the practices of the college in which a particular student is enrolled.

Section I

For matters that involve transactions between the professor and the student in the context of the student’s course participation, the rules of the college offering the course (i.e., providing the administrative home for the course) will govern. These matters include, but are not limited to:

  • all matters of course requirements and procedures
  • all matters of grades, grading systems, and grade grievances
  • grade-related sanctions and reporting rules for academic misconduct
  • start date and end date for the course
  • last date to add or drop a course with or without a W
  • provision of D/F slips at midterm
  • conditions under which an incomplete may be given
  • when grades are due to the Registrar
  • whether a course may be repeated for credit

Instructors must include a notice in the syllabus indicating that course policies are governed by the “College of ---.” For cross-listed courses, such a notice must also appear in the course detail description on ISIS including that (1) the course is cross-listed, (2) what the crosslisted numbers are, and (3) that course policies are governed by the rules of the "College of ---."

For practices in which colleges have reached special agreements concerning any of these areas, the terms of the special agreement will govern.

Section II

For matters that involve how a course applies (or not) to a student’s academic standing and degree requirements, the rules of the college in which the student is enrolled will govern. These matters include, but are not limited to:

  • whether a course counts toward graduation hours or degree requirements
  • whether there are restrictions on credit due to regression or duplication
  • whether a course grade will affect any major or collegiate grade-point average
  • whether or not a "second-grade-only option" can be applied
  • how long a student has to clear an incomplete
  • rules governing satisfactory progress, full-time enrollment, etc.
  • collegiate sanctions (probation or dismissal) for academic misconduct

For practices in which colleges have reached special agreements concerning any of these areas, the terms of the special agreement will govern.

In the event that a course outcome in one college triggers a collegiate response in another college (e.g., a course grade received in College A triggers probation or dismissal from College B), appeals of the course outcome must proceed from the instructor to the DEO and/or the college offering the course. Appeals of collegiate outcomes must proceed from the college imposing the sanction to the Office of the Provost.

When a college offering a course becomes aware of an instance of academic misconduct by a student enrolled in another college, the college offering the course shall notify the college in which the student is enrolled.

Use of technology in the classroom policy

The use of technology (such as calculators or computers) is determined by the faculty member in charge of the class.

Precollege students taking mathematics courses policy

The Department of Mathematics believes that high school mathematics courses should be taken in high school. Thus junior high and high school students are not encouraged to enroll in our remedial courses:

  • MATH:0100 (22M:001)
  • MATH:0300 (22M:003)
  • MATH:1005 (22M:008)

However, high school students are generally welcome in our calculus courses and above.

Regression, duplication, and second grade option

The Department of Mathematics offers a variety of courses geared toward students in different majors. As a result, some courses are considered equivalent even though the course numbers are different.

Duplication and regression policies CLAS second-grade-only option