Guowei Qi received the prestigious Churchill Scholarship, one of 17 scholars named this year by the Winston Churchill Foundation of the United States.

Guowei is a biochemistry, computer science, and mathematics (Program C) major. The Churchill Scholarship is for one year of Master’s study at Churchill College at the University of Cambridge. The awards cover full tuition, a stipend, travel costs, and the chance to apply for a $2,000 special research grant. The last Churchill scholarship from the University of Iowa was in 2012, and another math major Suzanne Carter won at that time. The Churchill Scholarship was established in 1963.
As stated in a letter from the Churchill Scholarship:
"This program was established at the request of Sir Winston Churchill as part of the founding of Churchill College, Cambridge. It fulfills his vision of deepening the US–UK partnership in order to advance science and technology on both sides of the Atlantic, ensuring our future prosperity and security. Churchill College was established in 1960 as a predominantly science and technology college and the National and Commonwealth memorial to Sir Winston Churchill."
Congratulations, Guowei!