Palle Jorgensen


Jorgensen is a Professor of mathematics at the University of Iowa. He is also a Fellow of the Amer.Math.Society. Before University of Iowa, he taught at Stanford University, and at the University of Pennsylvania. His research has received funding from the Natl. Sci. Foundation, -- his research papers are highly cited, and they have appeared in top international scientific journals, both in pure and applied math -- operator algebras, harmonic analysis, probability, stochastic analysis, dynamics, machine learning, and mathematical physics (quantum information). His recent research includes wavelet theory, multi-resolution, subdivision algorithms, image-processing, spectral-tile duality, scaling and fractals.

Research interests

  • Stochastic analysis/statistics
  • Mathematical physics
  • Representation theory
  • Wavelets
  • Signal and image processing
  • Mathematics of financial derivatives/financial mathematics
  • Functional and harmonic analysis
  • Operator theory/Operator algebras
  • Dynamical systems
  • Analysis on graphs
  • Statistical inference
  • PDE

Style of Jorgensen’s PhD advising. 

My approach to each student depends on the student's individual needs and preferences, and I have advised many PhD students. From the start of the process, I typically meet with each student once a week, but am willing and able to meet more often if the student requires extra help, especially early in the process. Initially, I give most of my students a problem, or a focus area, that I believe can become a thesis in a reasonable time frame. The focus/problem may be within anyone of several areas in pure, or in applied, mathematics. As the student progresses, she/he is expected to show more and more independence. When the students are close to graduating, I make an utmost effort to help them find a job, either in academia or industry, depending on the student's preferences.  



Fellow of the American Math Society


Additional links

View CV

Research areas
  • Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
Palle Jorgensen
PhD, Aarhus University
Contact Information

University of Iowa
25B MacLean Hall (MLH)
2 W. Washington Street
Iowa City, IA 52240
United States