
Zachary Flood

Zachary Flood

Graduate Student
Zachary Flood is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics Department.
A portrait of Javier Flores Arjona

Javier Flores Arjona

Graduate Student
Javier Flores Arjona is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Charles Frohman

Charles Frohman

Professor Emeritus
Charles Frohman is a retired faculty member with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Kent Fuller

Kent Fuller

Professor Emeritus
Kent Fuller is a retired faculty member with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of Kitrick Fynaardt

Kitrick Fynaardt

Graduate Student
Kitrick Fynaardt is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Jingchao Gao

Jingchao Gao

Graduate Student
Jingchao Gao is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Juan Gatica

Juan Gatica

Professor Emeritus
Juan Gatica is a retired faculty member with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Luis Gomez Gonzalez

Luis Gomez Gonzalez

Graduate Student
Luis Gomez Gonzalez is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Frederick Goodman

Frederick Goodman

Professor Emeritus
Frederick Goodman is a retired faculty member with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of BreannaGuppy

Breanna Guppy

Graduate Student
Breanna Guppy is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Weimin Han

Weimin Han

Weimin Han is a professor at the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of James Hay

James Hay

Graduate Student
James Hay is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of Yutian He

Yutian He

Graduate Student
Yutian He is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Cole Hengel

Cole Hengel

Graduate Student
Cole Hengel is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Herbert Hethcote

Herbert Hethcote

Professor Emeritus
Herbert Hethcote is a Professor Emeritus in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics
Samuel Holen

Samuel Holen

Graduate Student
Samuel Holen is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Carol Hollier

Carol Hollier

Mathematics Liaison Librarian
Carol Hollier is a Liaison Librarian to Mathematics at the University of Iowa.
Dylan Johnson

Dylan Johnson

Graduate Student
Dylan Johnson is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of Norman Johnson

Norman Johnson

Professor Emeritus
Norman Johnson is a professor emeritus in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Joshua Jordan

Joshua Jordan

RTG–Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Joshua Jordan is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Palle Jorgensen

Palle Jorgensen

Palle Jorgensen is a professor at the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics. Jorgensen’s research includes both pure and applied areas (incl. engineering, actuarial science, and finance).
A portrait of Nikita Kapur

Nikita Kapur

Graduate student
Nikita Kapur is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Paria Karimi Kousalari

Paria Karimi Kousalari

Graduate student
Paria Karimi Kousalari is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Keiko Kawamuro

Keiko Kawamuro

Keiko Kawamuro is a professor at the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of Emma Kirk-Alvarez

Emma Kirk-Alvarez

CLAS Advising Network Associate Director
Emma Kirk-Alvarez is a staff member at the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of William Klink

William H. Klink

William H. Klink is a retired faculty member with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Aleksandr Korotkov

Aleksandr Korotkov

Graduate Student
Aleksandr Korotkov is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of Philip Kutzko

Philip Kutzko

Professor Emeritus
Philip Kutzko is a professor emeritus in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of Elif Kuz

Elif Kuz

Visiting Scholar
Elif Kuz is a visiting scholar at the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Tong Li

Tong Li

Tong Li is a professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Iowa.