
Portrait of Jonathan Simon

Jonathan Simon

Professor Emeritus
Jonathan Simon is a retired faculty member with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Amy Simonson

Amy Simonson

Administrative Services Coordinator
Amy Simonson is an Administrative Services Coordinator in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Iowa.
A portrait of Mansimran Singh

Mansimran Singh

Graduate Student
Mansimran Singh is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Shashank Singh

Shashank Singh

Graduate Student
Shashank Singh is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of Joseph Small

Joseph Small

Graduate Student
Joseph Small is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Evelyn Smith

Evelyn Smith

Graduate Student
Evelyn Smith is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Olga Sokratova

Olga Sokratova

Math Tutorial Lab Faculty Advisor
Olga Sokratova is a faculty member with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of Rebecca Sorsen

Rebecca Sorsen

Rebecca Sorsen is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Joseph Starr

Joseph Starr

Graduate Student
Joseph Starr is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of David Stewart

David Stewart

David Stewart is a faculty member with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Casey Anna Stone

Casey Anna Stone

Graduate Student
Casey Anna Stone is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Gerhard Strohmer

Gerhard Strohmer

Professor Emeritus
Gerhard Strohmer is a retired faculty member with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Keith Stroyan

Keith Stroyan

Professor Emeritus
Keith Stroyan is a retired faculty member with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Denise Szecsei

Denise Szecsei

Associate Professor of Instruction
Denise Szecsei is a faculty member with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Kerry Dean Tarrant

Kerry Dean Tarrant

Graduate Student
Kerry Dean Tarrant is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of Steven Un

Steven Un

Graduate Student
Steven Un is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
JJ Urich

JJ Urich

Computer Support Group Director
JJ Urich is a staff member at the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Victoria  Valdez Prudencio

Victoria Valdez Prudencio

Graduate Student
Victoria Valdez Prudencio is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Cindy  Van Ark

Cindy Van Ark

Graduate Program Secretary III
Cindy Van Ark is a staff member at the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of Jacob Van Grinsven

Jacob Van Grinsven

Graduate Student
Jacob Van Grinsven is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Kevin Wang

Kevin Wang

Graduate Student
Kevin Wang is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Lihe Wang

Lihe Wang

Lihe Wang is a professor at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Iowa.
A portrait of Edward White

Edward White

Graduate Student
Edward White is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of JinyangWu

Jinyang Wu

Graduate Student
Jinyang Wu is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of Ying-Qing Wu

Ying-Qing Wu

Professor Emeritus
Ying-Qing Wu is a professor emeritus in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of Yao Yao

Yao Yao

Graduate Student
Yao Yao is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of Yuan Yao

Yuan Yao

Graduate Student
Yuan Yao is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
El Hassan Zerouali

El Hassan Zerouali

Visiting Scholar
El Hassan Zerouali is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
Portrait of Xueyu Zhu

Xueyu Zhu

Associate Professor
Xueyu Zhu is a faculty member with the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.
A portrait of Yilin Zhu

Yilin Zhu

Graduate Student
Yilin Zhu is a graduate student in the University of Iowa Department of Mathematics.